Help Supercharge Your Skin’s Natural Collagen Production & Elasticity With Fresh Rosehips, Picked By Hand Every September By The Island Mist Team

Rosehip Skincare Product Benefits:
Prevent Wrinkles And Fine Lines
Boost Your Natural Glow With Vitamin C
Help Your Skin Generate More Collagen
Improves Elasticity For A Youthful Look
Fresh picked rosehips help supercharge your skin’s natural collagen production, prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Island Mist understands the natural benefits of this plant which is why our master herbalist and owner, Johanna, handpicks rosehips from the Rose Ruga plant every September.
The rosa rugosa, commonly known as the Beach Rose, starts the season with beautiful, fragrant flowers. They’re the first to flower, letting us know that summer is on its way!
The rosehip comes from the rosa rugosa — the plant that is the last to leave us at the end of the season. Once you see the brilliant red berries (known as the hip) you know that the summer has ended and the fall will soon be arriving.
As the plan signifies the opening and the closing of the season, it continues to give and nourish our body and our spirit with it’s ending red berries, Rosehips.
Discover Younger, Tighter, Brighter Skin With Our Healthy Aging Secret: Fresh Picked Rosehips.
Choose From Our Rosehip Line To Get The Youthful, Radiant Skin You’ve Been Looking For.